
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen Update – Jump Points, Polaris, New Tech, CitizenCon & Alpha 4.0

Welcome to the Star Citizen Weekly News… going over all the main news stories this week in Star Citizen, quickly with a bit of added context if necessary. From updates for Alpha 3.24, ongoing events, progress on JPs and 4.0 as well as some sneak peeks… one at one of the most popular ships yet to be released.

There have been a couple of Small 3.24 Evo Patches… We still don’t have 3.24 out to wider PTU. The 17th and 18th of July Patches:

Evo Patch 17th July 2024

Evo Patch 18th July 2024

  • Adjusted mission-tagged cargo resell value when sold outside the mission
  • Bumped up many Hauling Mission reward payouts after design discussions and community feedback
  • I believe there is also now a search function for item banks, but it wasn’t mentioned in the notes nor working when I tried it. But it means that it should be there soon.

They have fixed tons of bugs and some quite egregious ones too from the known issues (and blockers) list. CIG hinted last week that wider PTU would be real soon… and I’ve been expecting it for over 2 weeks now… SOON for wider PTU but live build for 3.24 I don’t see how that can be anytime before mid August at the earliest now IMO.

In the march onward to Alpha 4.0…

There is some TECH-PREVIEW tests that are going to going one for the Evocati with the new RMQ (Replication Message Queue). This will replace the older Network Message Queue. The idea being that the new queue is SM ready, a more robust system, alleviates some bottlenecks and is generally more optimised. The build is a tweaked 3.24 one… Don’t really know what it’s going to be like in real gains yet until it’s more refined and put with SMing BUT it’s a step towards a much better networking solution for the game.

CIG did also say that they were targeting 4.0 in the coming months BUT didn’t give any form of hard date… expect it before the years out… tho there could always be further delays I don’t expect that!

From The SC Newsletter – Although the freefly portion is over, The Foundation Festival is still in full swing! Join us as we celebrate our incredibly welcoming community with an Org Recruitment contest, exciting rewards for the Guide System, and a special referral bonus!

The Festival officially ends at the end of the month so you have plenty of time.

If you want to learn a new skill, role or mechanic in SC then try out the Guide System… OR if you want to teach one!

For those heading to Manchester this October, we are thrilled to announce a variety of community-led events that will accompany CitizenCon 2954 all week long!

Zin and I will be there we are going to be attending the New Wakefield St Takeover on the 18th (it’s ticketed that one). There are also barcitizen’s planned from Tuesday the 15th up in manchester… so if you are in the area come on down!

Plus, ATMO esports returns to amplify the excitement at CitizenCon with their biggest in-person tournament to date. You won’t want to miss it! Now… that is going to be pretty big and it’s straight after citizencon and has a ticketed event as part of it too if you are in Manchester on the 20th BUT it’s also going to be livestreamed!

The venue for it is amazing. And there is going to be a CIG panel there too on racing I believe. It’s a community event run by atmo esports supported by CIG.

I like racing in SC but am awful at it myself… like painfully bad, watching it and chatting to more SC folks equals win BUT will I be exhausted already from multiple days of SC reveals, drinking and meeting people!

I’ve been told VIP seats are selling fast (there was only 100 to start with)… the total capacity for the event there is 1200.

ISC Quick Summary

CIG showed off Jump Points that are in progress for Alpha 4.0.

These look fantastic and they are still working on the VFX/Look so expect even better than we saw.

We learnt that there will be permanent JPs like that between Pyro Stanton and the other systems these will have no ship size restriction BUT also transient ones that are less stable that will have restrictions and may come in and out of existence… something for pathfinders and explorers to discover.

JPs will have a hands on approach of you having to try and stay within the Quantum Tunnel and avoid the sides / obstacles… else you may fail your jump and not turn up exactly where you want… on the edge of a system potentially quite far out. 

Currently they have Jump Points taking around 3mins to traverse!

Sneak Peek Last Week

Fuses in a static location, not a ship… I think we can expect there to be missions to fix and repair these. Also NPCs will be doing maintenance. Also… structures are supposed to follow the same rules as ships when it comes to circuitry and engineering as far as I am aware.

Sneak Peek This Week

This might be part of the Polaris’s Landing Gear…We are expecting that mighty ship later this year.
And we know CIG are making it more than JUST a torpedo corvette with improved weapons ect..