
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

What Is CIG’s New Trademark SOULSINGER – Alpha 3.24.1 ATLS Suit Updates

Welcome to some more Star Citizen I wanted to talk about a few things today. There is a load of talk about a “new” trademark from CIG Soulsinger, we have updates to alpha 3.24.1 and it’s Exo-Suits as well as some dev responses. 

I just want to say that the thumbnail pic is Hasgaha’s (yet again) and it’s my favouriate yet!

SOULSINGER – Trademark Registered June 25th by Cloud Imperium Rights LLC 

Could be a name for a new game 

A name for StarEngine Tools or the Audio Engine 

New Game Mode 

Could be something they are licensing or selling – someone asked to use the Star Engine to make a game for example. 

There were some dodgy I reckon rumours that this was for some sort of fantasy game by CIG. 

We know they have SQ42 Episode 2 and 3 planned. I mean it’s possible it’s the name of Episode 2. 

I want to ask you… if CIG were to add another IP, a new they were developing what would you think? 

And how detached would you want it from Star Citizen / Squadron? 

Would you want different teams / studios working on a new game totally separate. 

Run its own new crowdfunding – Different website 

Is it ok to share it all as they are a game studio… or it’s cool if they are all using star engine? 

Could funds be used from SQ/SC to help get that game’s dev started? 

This is mostly a thought exercise.  

I am really interested to know what you think Soulsinger could be… and will we know more later this year / at CitizenCon? 

[All Backers PTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1 PTU.9319633 Patch Notes 

Argo ATLS Polish – Slightly increased Argo ATLS sprint speed. Added new collision detection for the ATLS Tractor Beam to help avoid cargo colliding with assets when being picked up and placed. 

  • Freight Elevator Kiosk Single Items being dragged should work again. And Mission cargo boxes should spawn and be detected properly now. 
  • You can sell gems for merits in Klesher again. 
  • Item bank select all button wasn’t working. 
  • They’ve improved stability and performance it seems too. 

I am more and more convinced now that the plan was to release the ATLS with 3.24 and they didn’t make the cut… I am suspecting a sale of these real soon… with a load of skins… maybe a power loader yellow… 

[3.24.1 PTU Feedback] Argo ATLS 

  • Speed of loading cargo onto a ship (compared to hand tractor beam loading and/or ship tractor beam loading) 
  • Ease of transport 
  • General thoughts 

There was a great response from a backer here: 

The Argo ALTS should be able to switch between “overhead” and “manual” mode 

I really like the new pick-up system, but it just doesn’t work in tight spaces. Therefore, I would recommend a slightly different approach. Pressing the LMB activates the default tractor beam, like on all the other devices, so you can maneuver the item out of a tight spot. Then you can press RMB and this will switch to the overhead mode and the item is moving to its default position. When the item is over your head then you can press LMB to place it automatically or you can press RMB again to go back in to manual mode, to place it in to a tight spot by yourself. 

I heartily endorse that feedback… It’s hell trying to load certain ships with the ATLS. 

CIG confirmed that the Zeus MK2s will not be in Alpha 3.24.1… they are coming in a 3.24.x patch this year though. 

Landing Speed Limit – I appreciate the intent of the speed limit when putting the landing gear down, but I would really like to be able to have that limit be set to a personal preference rather than be hard-coded to 30 meters per second. Is there any chance we might see that in the future in the Options menu somewhere? 

YogiKlatt – The slowdown with extended landing gear is an IFCS safety feature which can be turned on and off. Atm there is only a button binding in the flight section. In the upcoming RN release, there will also be an IFCS config MFD page. Adding an actual number later might be a good idea. 

Another Website Rework, but the Hangar Gets Left in 1996? 

Title, mostly. The website hangar needs better sorting, better searching, mostly it just needs an update. There’re plugins like Hangar XPLORer to draw inspiration from if you don’t know where to start. Meanwhile, the only parts of the site that actually get updates are the Pledge Store and the main website itself. So…. maybe the next thing can be a hangar update? Possibly? 

Decker – Turbulent -Worry not, the hangar is definitely on our Radar as well. 

User – And the Org Module? 

Decker – Turbulent – Org module as well. Although I can’t talk too much about that one as it’s not with my team. When we get closer to that we’ll surely have some news out about it. 

In another post they went onto say – “Like most things Star Citizen, we’re also iterating. What we delivered is Stage 1 of the new Homepage experience and yes, there’s more to come.” 

Gunplay (PvE) feels GOOD right now 

My only irk is that I feel injuries are super common, and it’s bothersome that they impact your total HP as well as give you physical debuffs, but that’s stuff that I guess will be fine tuned when attention gets turned back to medical gameplay. 

Zac2806 that I believe is Zac Preece from CIG responded 

Firstly, thank you. 

Secondly, injuries are meant to get a pass to be less about RNG and more about total damage taken without resting from combat. 

It’s been on my to-do list since 3.22, just time! 

ENTER ATMOSPHERE a StarCitizen esports showcase by ATMO Esports! 

This event is straight after CitizenCon and ticketed if you want to physically attend. I believe it’s going to be livestreamed too. I’ll put the details down below but in breif: 

  • CITIZENCON CONCLUDES AT 1500 BST (3pm Local Time) on Sunday 20th Oct. 
  • DOORS OPEN AT 1600 BST (4pm Local Time)