
Star Citizen, Squadron 42 & Theatres of War News, Guides, Videos & Gameplay by BoredGamer

Star Citizen Just Unveiled Some Massive Ship Updates

Alpha 3.24.1 had another PTU patch drop this one has a load more fixes
Solving the Kleshing Prison Escape issues.
Audio issues with the medgun
Bedlogging issues that were causing players to spawn in the center of a star.
ATLS’ even more fixes with its camera, decals & moving vehicles with it’s tractorbeam should work.
I am personally expecting this patch to go live today and for their to be a ATLS Exo Suit Sale. I still think All Terrain Loading System for ATLS…
Could they sell combat versions at the same time? Maybe?

RMQ Meshing Playtest Round #3

CIG tested a range of configs, players per shard / mesh on the Tech Preivew

Ranging from 4 servers & 350 players up to, 6 servers and 1000 players per shard.

ISC Alpha 3.24.2 Zeus And MFDs

The RSI Zeus MKII (2) is almost complete, at least the CL & ES variants. These are both coming in an Alpha 3.24.2 later in the year. Either for CitizenCon (October) OR the IAE (November) Most likely.

It’s a V2 of an old ship that exists in lore, reimagined.

It was fully built out by the montreal (turbulent) vehicle team. In around a year.

It pushes the RSI brand forward in terms of what technology is available.

They are planned to be a 2nd tier ship a ship that you’d naturally go to after a starter ship, allowing you to do a bit more.

It supports up to 3 crew all in the cockpit but it’s totally useable solo.

They look great!

It looks like an arrow head… move over Anvil Arrow.

Weapons wise the pilot has access to twin S4 guns, side seats have access to remote turrets. 

Cockpit is where the 3 crew will be controlling the ship. There is quite alot crammed here.

Then you move into the the neck / airlock / engineering area. This area has been opened up more during development. They removed a bulkhead / door. There is a ladder exit, docking collar, (smaller) component access all easily accessible from this section.

There is then a hallway section that gives access to a kitchen/eating area.

On the other side of the hallway there is a habitation area – beds for crew, washroom and storage.

At the rear of the ship is cargo and larger ship component access.

There is a rear ramp for loading too.

ES – Exploration Focused – Modest cargo, larger quantum / hydrogen tank, radar and living area.

CL – Cargo – Larger Cargo – 32 become 128 at the expensive of other facilities. 

Like a more compact living quarters, kitchen and components clustered together.

The CL has a tractor beam and larger thrusters.

There is blue trim on the floor marking where cargo will lock.

There is more RSI ships coming next year!

New MFDs – Multi Function Displays are also coming in 3.24.2 

The Current MFDs and UI is old and has issues. It’s not ergonomic and has a load of unused stuff.

They have made a more streamlined better looking set of MFDs that they had been building for SQ42 that they are brining over.

There are 5 visual styles with this release.

Aegis – Blue – High Tech – Sleak Military

Anvil – Green – F16 Inspired – Modern Military

Drake – Orange – Retro – CRTs

Argo – Industrial – Yellow & Orange

Generic – All other manufacturers (temp).

There are also 9 different views for the MFDs.

Self Status – Critical Info based on operator mode – Ammo in SCM – Fuel in Quantum

Turrets have their own version

Super streamlined & links into other features – showing gimbals and weapon group

Target Status – The info you know about the target – Healthj, emissions, name, faction, speed

Weapon Config – New – Weapon groupings which you can set & assign upto 4 groups

Shields – Control each of your faces 1 – 4 – Basically the same

Scanning & Communications – Scanning is now on the MFD rather than the HUD – This gives deeper info about the target (if you scan them).

Power Management – Much more simple than an engineering terminal – tied into Resource Network – Allow you to tweak emissions, power – track output – it also show power status.

Diagnostics View – This shows status, errors, wear and damage to components

Configuration Screen – This has TONs of modes and options that were previous in the menu OR obscured and allows you to have in game diegetic access to them. And then has them for each system – IFCS modes, PiPs, Staggered Fire, Toggle UI Elements – Allow you to have control of what’s on your HUD.

The HuD has been cleaned up so at a glance you have what you want to see and not a load of irrelevant info in the way.

The Radar has been made to look more diagetic too.

This LOOKS amazing and will be great for videos / screenshots! Shoutout to Hasgaha, my favoriate screenshooter!

Next Time Engineering / Resource Network Alpha 4.0

Something else that will be turning up between now and Alpha 4.0 is

Upcoming Ship and Vehicle Loadout Changes

As part of the ongoing development of vehicle systems, particularly with Resource Network and Engineering gameplay on the horizon, we’ve taken the opportunity to look across all our current vehicles ingame and revisit some of them in terms of both default item size and quantity.Reviewing both player feedback as well as analytics on usage and performance it was clear some ships/vehicles were underperforming and needed adjustment. Some vehicles were adjusted to bring them in line with others in their class to ensure competitiveness and some were adjusted because they simply had a abundance of power output that wasnt necessary anymore.

You may have noticed recent vehicle promotions and releases have strayed away from the typical max 1-2 Power Plants/Coolers/Shield Generators to higher numbers such as the Zeus and Retaliator having 4-6 Shield Generators for example and these updates will roll out similar changes across other ships and vehicles.

In addition to the changes below you can also expect handling & health changes to some vehicles to make sure they do not stray too far from their intended design behaviour, the Redeemer for example will get a buff in flight handling to compensate for the reduced shields and weaponry.

I’ll dig into this in more detail in a future video… as really we need more variance, customization and balance as well as engineering and some other bits before talking about how ships really stack up, a lot of it is for Industrial and multicrew ships BUT there are some dedicated combat ships too.

Buccaneer has 1 s1 shield – paper thin… there isn’t a huge change in dogfighters.

Star Runner 1 S3 shield… the Valkyrie 4 S2s… that redundancy is going to be useful for the engineering gameplay.

The Redeemer may have been nerfed it’s got 6x S2 Shields (previously 2 S3) thats a lot of redundancy.

It might be beneficial… BUT S3 shields are like a magnitude better… so it’s a big nerf… at least at first glance.

We could certainly see shields and everything else get re-worked at all sizes anyway.

Also armor and hull health will be a thing.

It’s manned turrets also now have 2 S4 weapons each down from size 5s. It’s going to upset some Redeemer Owners!